Corporate Fraud and Internal Theft

Our fraud prevention and management systems are unique and highly effective. BCSI can assist small and medium sized businesses in establishing systems to prevent fraud or investigate any illegal activities that have taken place.

Corporate fraud has many faces, from illegal access and release of corporate information to competitors when leaving the company or illegal access to private information. Employees, associates, and even principals are often are at the core of corporate money laundering or forgery of legal documents.

Our team of fraud investigators can help you plan a proper course of action. The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants defines fraud as “an intentional act by one or more individuals among management, other employees, those charged with governance, or third parties involving the use of deception to obtain an illegal or unjust advantage”.

These actions may include misappropriation of cash or inventory, fraudulent financial reporting and money laundering.

Our investigative system for such crime is very precise:

  • Gathering of intelligence and evidence
  • Analysis of data
  • Presentation of evidence in a comprehensive report

The investigation may involve computer forensics for collection of data including but not limited to e-mails, documents, files, enhanced metafiles, database of computer usage, and on-line activities. This evidence is not only limited to computers but also tablets and smart phones.

Interviews of suspects and witnesses are also conducted. These interviews are conducted with a very precise plan in place and specific objectives.

The Firm can conduct in depth fraud investigations and therefore protect your company from serious losses.